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Title: Analysis of statistical parameters for rainfall series of Kaneri watershed maharashtra computation of runoff for different return periods
Authors: Swami Vidula, Kulkarni S.S.
Keywords: Moving average rainfall
Normal distribution
Extreme value
Return period
Issue Date: Aug-2012
Publisher: International Journal of Engineering Research and Development
Abstract: Robust hydrological information is a pre-requisite for efficient water resources assessment of a region. A hydrologist must be able to evaluate water availability, flood potential, data trends and such characteristics, so as to ensure that the results constitute the solid foundation for a decision support system for sustainable development and management of scarce water resources. In this context, the paper analyses the statistical parameters by using different distributions to compute the runoff peaks for different return periods. In water resources planning and management the statistical parameters describe the statistical distribution characteristics of a sample. By fitting a frequency distribution to the set of hydrological data, the probability of occurrences of random parameters can be calculated. In the present study, the runoff values for 50 year and 100 year return period are determined by using the annual rainfall series for the Kaneri watershed, which is near Kolhapur, Maharashtra. The results obtained by different methods are compared with Extreme Value type III distribution model.
Description: Robust hydrological information is a pre-requisite for efficient water resources assessment of a region. A hydrologist must be able to evaluate water availability, flood potential, data trends and such characteristics, so as to ensure that the results constitute the solid foundation for a decision support system for sustainable development and management of scarce water resources. (Patra K.C., 2008)The Kaneri watershed is located near Konkan Region which is dominated by highlands. The watershed is oriented North-South and flanked on three sides by plateau ridges. It is located at 17.107 latitude and 74.548 longitude and lies 4 kms towards SE of Kolhapur on Mumbai-Banglore NH4 Highway. The catchment area of Kaneri is 965.94 Ha. Climate : Kaneri is situated in the agro-climatic zone with only one rainy season which lasts from the beginning of June to the middle of October. Maximum daily rainfall is 80mm. The mean annual rainfall is 513 mm with a low variability of 10%. In the watershed soil erosion is highly influenced by the erosivity of rainfall. A single intense rainfall event can cause up to 50% of the monthly soil loss. Additionally, there is high gully formation at the bottom of the watershed. Some of these gullies have been rehabilitated by planting trees in the gullies to reduce further widening and sliding. The daily minimum air temperature ranges from 00 c to 20 0C and the daily maximum air temperature ranges from 12 0C to 40 0C. The mean daily temperature ranges from 9 0C to 30 0C.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/1/218
ISSN: 2278-800X
Appears in Collections:Faculty Publication

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