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Title: water and soil conservation though simple techniques a case study
Authors: Kulkarni S.S., Swami V.A.
Gune Minal, Thoravat Akshay
Keywords: Water and soil conservation
Ridge to valley approach
Continuous contour trenches
watershed development
Issue Date: Jul-2014
Publisher: International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology
Series/Report no.: ;Vol. 3 No. 8
Abstract: Water is essential for our life, but it cannot be produced by technological means. Same is the problem with soil.In India, there is very little area free from the hazard of soil erosion. It is estimated that out of 305.9 million hectares of reported area, 145 million hectares is in need of conservation measures. Severe erosion occurs in the sub-humid and per-humid areas due to high rainfall and improper management of land and water. If erosion is permitted to continue at its present rate, it is possible that all work will be the reclamation of soil rather than the conservation and management of soil and water. Hence it is necessary to adopt techniques to conserve water which will conserve soil automatically It is also important that technology to conserve the soil and water should be easily adoptable and economically viable.
Description: In spite of sufficient rainfall, people have to depend upon tankers for their domestic water supply in summers in most of the areas. This is mainly due to large runoff which is responsible for water loss as well as soil loss of the land. A raindrop, when flows along the slope, carries the loose soil along it. In this case the topmost layer of soil is lost rapidly. Due to high intensity rainfall, it is estimated that, more than 100 tons of soil is lost. The watershed management through soil and water conservation means implies, the judicious use of all the resources i.e. land, water, vegetation in an area for providing an answer to alleviate drought, moderate floods, prevent soil erosion, improve water availability and increase food, fodder, fuel and fiber on sustained basis. Watershed to achieve maximum production with minimum hazard to the natural resources and for the well being of people. The management should be carried out on the watershed basis. The task of watershed management includes the treatment of land by using most suitable biological and engineering measures in such a manner that, the management work must be economic and socially acceptable. If we take steps to encourage each drop of rainfall to penetrate in the ground at the point where it strikes earth, it will result in addition of one drop to our useful water supply and subtraction of one drop from a potential flood. It is the management of each raindrop falling on the ground. This is possible by water and soil conservation techniques adopted in the area as per its topography.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/1/231
ISSN: 0975-5462
Appears in Collections:Faculty Publication

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