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dc.contributor.authorShweta Sanjay Kumbhar-
dc.descriptionUnder the Supervision of Prof. Mrs. S. N. Patil Co-guide Prof. M. M. Maskeen_US
dc.description.abstractIn the construction industry different types of concrete are used for different purposes. Self-compacting fiber reinforced concrete is one of the effective types of concrete for the structures having congested steel reinforcement like flyovers, bridges, furnace, boilers, thermal power plant, etc. Also, most of these structures get exposed to the higher temperature. Hence, it is imperative to test the performance of concrete to be used at higher temperatures. In this dissertation work, comparative study of self-compacting fiber reinforced concrete of grade M45 has been carried out using different types of fibres viz.en_US
dc.publisherRIT Autonomousen_US
dc.titleComparative Study of Self-compacting Fiber Reinforced Concrete Using Waste Fibres Under the Exposure of Elevated Temperatureen_US
Appears in Collections:M.Tech Structural Engineering

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