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dc.contributor.authorSrushti Manohar Bhat-
dc.descriptionUnder the Supervision of Dr. H. S. Jadhaven_US
dc.description.abstractIt is well known that high-rise buildings act as very important roles in modern cities. First of all, tall buildings can be effectively used to meet the requirements of modern society and solve the problem of limitation of construction site resources. On the other hand, they are the signals of economic properties and civilization. Nowadays high-rise buildings rise higher and higher, with more and more complex and individual plan and elevation, such as multi-tower buildings. “Sky Bridge”, “kywalks” or “elevated walkway” bring up images of a narrow, glass walkway connecting two towers usually commercial the only purpose of which, is to let people go from one meeting to the next without having to travel up and down or through fresh air.en_US
dc.publisherRIT Autonomousen_US
dc.titleAnalysis and Design of Skywalk Structure of High Rise Twin Building Under Dynamic Loadings Using FEMen_US
Appears in Collections:M.Tech Structural Engineering

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