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Title: Comparative Seismic Analysis of High Rise Building with Shear Wall, Bracing System and Combination of Both
Authors: Suraj Ravindra Dhekale
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: RIT Autonomous
Abstract: The rapid growth of the urban population and lack of availability of land tends to produce a shortage of land and a high cost of land hence to overcome these crises high rise structures are preferred. Along with vertical loads such as the self-weight of the structure, and live load; the structure has to resist horizontal loads such as seismic load and wind load. There are different types of lateral load-resisting systems such as shear walls, outrigger, bracing, hexagrid, diagrid, rigid frame, etc. According to site conditions, and types of building these systems are used. In this study Shear wall systems and Bracing systems are used for 30 stories multistory building different types of shear wall and bracing systems are used for analysis
Description: Under the Supervision of Prof. R. D. Patil
Appears in Collections:M.Tech Structural Engineering

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